Roundup: Poetry Manuscript Rx
Popular posts about putting together a standout poetry manuscript.
Photo by Nick Fewings, Unsplash
Note from Radha: After back-to-back trips to NYC and Seattle (AWP23), plus three (now entering four) months of intense work projects, I’m taking a short hiatus to replenish. I’ll be back with new posts on April 8th. In the meantime, please enjoy these themed roundups of Poet to Poet’s most popular posts to date.
On Poetry Manuscripts
On manuscript development: a conversation with Sarah Giragosian, co-editor of Marbles on the Floor: How to Assemble a Book of Poems
Manuscript Input: When you’re tangled up in revising a poetry manuscript, who should you trust?
A Publisher’s Perspective on Dos and Don’ts in Putting Together a Manuscript
The Never-Finished Manuscript: Is all of that effort improving your manuscript—or is it just churn?
Upcoming Events / Poet to Poet Community
The Poets Circle: Drop-in Conversations
APRIL: Weaving the Thread—On Coherence
Apr 5, 6-7pm MT & Apr 19, 12-1pm MT
How do you cultivate coherence in your work? How do authors you admire create coherence in their work, across poems?
MAY: Flow & Modulation—On Variation
May 3, 6-7pm MT & May 17, 12-1pm MT
How do you invite variation into your work? How do the authors you admire work with the principle of variation?