The timeforf having to apologise for who you are and being careful not to offend others with your accomplishments is over. I had to come to this realisation recently. If you wait for others to give you permission to be who you are, you will be waiting forever. Unfortunately our societies work on the principle of conformity for cohesion which will always seek to utterly flatten the outlier. This isn't a good strategy for fostering innovation or progress.

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Radha - this came at a particularly good time for me. Great advice and, more than that, a great affirmation that it's really ok to put ourselves - our selves! - out there.

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Ah, Radha, you've touched on a sensitive topic with this one. Championing one's self can be as simple as sharing the joy we feel about the creative work we do. Yet, for the wounded writer, it's especially difficult, every layer a scary encounter. Might be a good topic to explore more...

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totally great advice, not just for poets, but for all writers and every kind of artist -- thanks, Radha!

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Radha, you certainly excel at #'s 9 and 10! Thank you for this. It does me much good to have your approach so clearly laid out.

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