THIS!!!!!! This, as I am sitting down this morning trying to find my salt. A writer who doesn't write but instead feels the pressure, the angst, the depression that I am missing it all. That once upon a time I had the energy and drive (yes, really, this was my attempting to go for the gold) but now, without that, I don't have anything (it seems). I sit down to write in an empty house (my husband is on a 10 day trip) and I think I will find my flow but instead I am checking my email and sending encouraging emails to other writer friends. Then, I read this, and write this comment, and at least remember I am not alone. This is a common struggle for many of us. I even wrote a book about all these struggles (that sits in a file...) but can't seem to do this for myself.
You write, "I had been thinking about salt all summer as a metaphor for the under-appreciated but essential inputs that make my creative life vibrant—the people, places, and practices necessary for my writing to thrive." I am going to borrow this for the rest of this summer that went way to fast.
I don't know what my salt is other than quiet. And, though I wish it weren't so, since I live in the quiet cabin in the woods, I think I need to go somewhere else to write. And, I think I really need a coach to sit (metaphorically) with me.
As you quote Limon, "We can sometimes give ourselves the things we’re waiting for from others” this is my eternal life lesson. If I could REALLY do this not just surface level do this. This is the lesson of my life and I'm still struggling to even feel that I am practicing it although I've known it for years.
SO, thank you for your words this morning. Maybe I will go put some salt on my tongue and see what happens.
Kristen: I appreciate ur comments. I noticed something similar the other day as I texted, emailed and posted multiple times and considered how much writing I had just kind of “wasted”.
LOVE this meditation, Radha! I needed to hear this. Salt for me may be new natural settings I learn the names and looks of--plants, animals, birds. Last night I dreamed of a horse we owned, though in my dreams, it's often unclear who "we" is, and who'd been shut in the stable because of weather and we'd forgotten him: we hadn't fed or replenished his water for days! The dream made me so anxious, I woke up. I saw his large gentle nose close to my face in the dream and loved him...but still, I forget him. So my question today after reading your "Salt" is what horse am I neglecting, what animal, what love?
I really appreciate your metaphor of salt being that which sustains us, enriches our writing lives. But mixing the idea of gold with outer world accomplishes conflicts with recent imagery I’ve been holding of “hitting gold” or mining the deep vein of creativity. Just an alternate perspective/image. I love how you value community and appreciate all your musings.
Salt. like water or walking. P’u in the Tao. The utter simplicity. Salt is like that. I like this. Essential and simple. You’re right to point out how funny it is we chose those other things that don’t matter and aren’t essential. Why? Why doss the ego desire?
As I told a very competitive boy in the running club I once coached, the only good that comes of competition among teammates comes from the intention to make each better runners.
What a gorgeous essay, Radha! Essential Salt, nonessential gold. And isn't essence one of the reasons we imagine words in a poem--one of the essential reasons? I will nurture this image, this metaphor for quite some time, and it will inspire me as I prepare for a personal art retreat. Thank you!
I write, pretty much everyday. I just have to. More than that, I know, which is more than believe, that I am called to write. From poems to essays. I submitted, (offered), my poems to a couple of magazines.Usually after participating in the April poem a day prompt. All for which I am grateful. Actually, one year I did two separate magazine monthly prompts. I seem to have the opposite of writers block. Have a poem on that as well. Now that I have subscribed to various substack writiers, I am thrilled to be inspired, validated and enjoying being part of a tribe of writers who enjoy sharing.
I had, and still do have a terrible time submitting. It's not the rejection thing, its the technical stuff that pulls me away from just writing. So about a year ago, I simply put my poems on my INstagram account. one thing lead to another, and I'm soon to be publishing on Substack. So what's my salt?? Being authentic. Doing what gives me joy, and allowing the rest to take care of itself. For me it is staying true to my priorities. Sure I would love to be published, but not as much as knowing I have reached a single soul who hears my words and they resonate. Planting seeds is important to me. And in that vain, I care for my messy garden in the morning and jump in my cold salty ocean in the afternoon. These, my relationship with clay, and my relationship with G-D all provide the perfect balance of salt and sweetness, that is, of course, assuming I'm paying attention
THIS!!!!!! This, as I am sitting down this morning trying to find my salt. A writer who doesn't write but instead feels the pressure, the angst, the depression that I am missing it all. That once upon a time I had the energy and drive (yes, really, this was my attempting to go for the gold) but now, without that, I don't have anything (it seems). I sit down to write in an empty house (my husband is on a 10 day trip) and I think I will find my flow but instead I am checking my email and sending encouraging emails to other writer friends. Then, I read this, and write this comment, and at least remember I am not alone. This is a common struggle for many of us. I even wrote a book about all these struggles (that sits in a file...) but can't seem to do this for myself.
You write, "I had been thinking about salt all summer as a metaphor for the under-appreciated but essential inputs that make my creative life vibrant—the people, places, and practices necessary for my writing to thrive." I am going to borrow this for the rest of this summer that went way to fast.
I don't know what my salt is other than quiet. And, though I wish it weren't so, since I live in the quiet cabin in the woods, I think I need to go somewhere else to write. And, I think I really need a coach to sit (metaphorically) with me.
As you quote Limon, "We can sometimes give ourselves the things we’re waiting for from others” this is my eternal life lesson. If I could REALLY do this not just surface level do this. This is the lesson of my life and I'm still struggling to even feel that I am practicing it although I've known it for years.
SO, thank you for your words this morning. Maybe I will go put some salt on my tongue and see what happens.
Kristen: I appreciate ur comments. I noticed something similar the other day as I texted, emailed and posted multiple times and considered how much writing I had just kind of “wasted”.
I hear you.
LOVE this meditation, Radha! I needed to hear this. Salt for me may be new natural settings I learn the names and looks of--plants, animals, birds. Last night I dreamed of a horse we owned, though in my dreams, it's often unclear who "we" is, and who'd been shut in the stable because of weather and we'd forgotten him: we hadn't fed or replenished his water for days! The dream made me so anxious, I woke up. I saw his large gentle nose close to my face in the dream and loved him...but still, I forget him. So my question today after reading your "Salt" is what horse am I neglecting, what animal, what love?
I really appreciate your metaphor of salt being that which sustains us, enriches our writing lives. But mixing the idea of gold with outer world accomplishes conflicts with recent imagery I’ve been holding of “hitting gold” or mining the deep vein of creativity. Just an alternate perspective/image. I love how you value community and appreciate all your musings.
Salt. like water or walking. P’u in the Tao. The utter simplicity. Salt is like that. I like this. Essential and simple. You’re right to point out how funny it is we chose those other things that don’t matter and aren’t essential. Why? Why doss the ego desire?
*choose *does fat finger phone typing typos. Sorry.
As I told a very competitive boy in the running club I once coached, the only good that comes of competition among teammates comes from the intention to make each better runners.
What a gorgeous essay, Radha! Essential Salt, nonessential gold. And isn't essence one of the reasons we imagine words in a poem--one of the essential reasons? I will nurture this image, this metaphor for quite some time, and it will inspire me as I prepare for a personal art retreat. Thank you!
Radha - feeling so blessed to be in writerly community with you. And a shout out to Celeste, Paige, and Deborah.
I write, pretty much everyday. I just have to. More than that, I know, which is more than believe, that I am called to write. From poems to essays. I submitted, (offered), my poems to a couple of magazines.Usually after participating in the April poem a day prompt. All for which I am grateful. Actually, one year I did two separate magazine monthly prompts. I seem to have the opposite of writers block. Have a poem on that as well. Now that I have subscribed to various substack writiers, I am thrilled to be inspired, validated and enjoying being part of a tribe of writers who enjoy sharing.
I had, and still do have a terrible time submitting. It's not the rejection thing, its the technical stuff that pulls me away from just writing. So about a year ago, I simply put my poems on my INstagram account. one thing lead to another, and I'm soon to be publishing on Substack. So what's my salt?? Being authentic. Doing what gives me joy, and allowing the rest to take care of itself. For me it is staying true to my priorities. Sure I would love to be published, but not as much as knowing I have reached a single soul who hears my words and they resonate. Planting seeds is important to me. And in that vain, I care for my messy garden in the morning and jump in my cold salty ocean in the afternoon. These, my relationship with clay, and my relationship with G-D all provide the perfect balance of salt and sweetness, that is, of course, assuming I'm paying attention