It's amazing what you've accomplished, despite unexpected obstacles and chosen responsibilities, during what is arguably life's busiest decade. When I was in that frenetic decade, I created Monday Editions, my little publishing imprint for comics, zines and, now, poetry micro-chapbooks. It wasn't because I had time on my hands. The name comes from my decision that, no matter what editorial deadlines and family obligations might be calling, Mondays were for writing. Period. As you know so well, if our writing doesn't matter first to us, it won't matter to anyone else at all. Selfish? Sometimes. So be it. Carry on.


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Radha, I didn't realize everything you've been going through - it only makes me admire you and your sensitive work more, along with great sympathy for the challenges. This resonates with me so much, with both writing and painting, where I've for so long failed to take myself seriously and make the time, and am often overwhelmed or made cynical by life challenges. Thank you for this post.

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This is so wise. Just a few minutes a day to stay connected to my practice.

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